Service Board - Phelps Township
Redbridge, Ontario
THE LOCAL SERVICE BOARD (LSB) of Redbridge is a volunteer
organization that has authority under the Northern
Service Board Act to deliver approved services to
residents. Local Service Boards are set up in rural
areas where there is no municipal structure in place
to deliver services such as fore protection or recreation
Each LSB is unique in the services it offers its residents.
The LSB of Redbridge has been approved by the Ministry
of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources
& Forestry to provide the services of fire protection,
public library service, and emergency communications.
Our board was established in the early 1980's.
Board members are elected at a public meeting in August
or September for a one-year term. The function of
the LSB is largely to provide administrative oversight
to the fire hall, library, and recreation center.
We also manage the snow plough contracts, and insurance
coverage for these services. Additionally, one of
our major responsibilities is to secure the necessary
funding to operate these services from year to year.
We have two funding sources - the first being an annual
operating grant rom the Ministry of Northern Development,
Mines, Natural Resources & Forestry and the second
is from the Ministry of Finance who collects the levy/fee
charged to each property owner identified by the LSB
in its annual submission.
This levy/fee will appear on your Combined Tax Bill
issued in March each year. The funding we receive
can only be used to support the operation of the fire
hall, library, and recreation center and the administrative
costs of the LSB associated with these services. Any
other expenditures considered ineligible by the Ministry.
Service Board Members
Lecappelain Laurie Wardell
Bev Reynolds
Clinton Clark
Joe Wardell
Mailing Address:
Local Service Board,
31 Mountainview Rd,
Redbridge, ON, P0H 2A0
Laurie Wardell - 705.663.1775 Larry Lecappelain 705.491.2670
What is a Local Services Board?
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines
Northern Service Board Act
Services Boards Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER L.28
Service Board R.R.O. 1990, REGULATION 737
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